Ezt a logót azoknál a hirdetéseknél jelenítjük meg, ahol a korábbi bérlő(k) problémamentes beköltözést és kiköltözést tapasztaltak, bizonyítva pozitív értékelés vagy nincs rossz értékelés tőlük, jelezve, hogy a bérelt lakás átadása problémamentes volt a tulajdonostól
Flatio által igazolt
A logót azoknál a hirdetéseknél tűntetjük fel, ahol a Flatio munkatársa fizikailag jelen volt, akár fotók miatt, virtuális túra készítés miatt vagy egyéb okokból tartózkodott a kiadó lakásban-akár egyedül, akár családdal vagy ismerősökkel.
StayProtection vs. Stay Benefits
A StayProtection Bérlőknek egy Flatio fedezet, amely mindenkor vonatkozik Önre. Úgy terveztük, hogy megvédje Önt, a pénzét és a nyugalmát. Exkluzív Beköltözési Garanciát is tartalmaz, amely biztosítja, hogy akkor is legyen hol laknia, ha a dolgok nem a tervek szerint alakulnak.
+ Stay BenefitsStayProtection+ Stay Benefits
A Stay Benefits ez a StayProtection csomag egy speciális része, amely nem minden Flatio ingatlannál érhető el. Tartalmazza a felelősségbiztosítást, az asszisztenscia szolgáltatásokat és a 24/7 online támogatást minden olyan helyzetre, amelyret ez a csomag lkitefrjed.
Az átfogó StayProtection és Stay Benefits csomagjainkról többet megtudhat ezen az oldalon.
Nomád Tesztelő által igazolt
Ezt a jelvényt azok az ingatlanok kapják, amelyeket egy Nomád Tesztelő ellenőrzött, és a Wi-Fi sebesség, a munkaterület, a helyszín stb. szempontjából alkalmasnak talált a távmunkára. A Nomád Tesztelő olyan digitális nomád influenszer, aki tagja a Flatio Nomád Tesztelő Klubnak.
Tökéletes szakembereknek
Személyesen választott lakás amely megfelel az üzleti ügyfelek elvárásainak
Vezető versenytárs platformok
Összehasonlításunk során elsősorban olyan platformokat vettünk figyelembe, amelyek a Flatio-hoz hasonlóan fókuszálnak és szintén alkalmasak közép- vagy hosszútávú tartózkodásra. Különösen a Booking.com, a Spotahome, a Homelike és az Uniplaces adatait elemeztük.
Nem igazán volt közreműködő a tulajdonos, nem vette figyelembe a veszélyhelyzetet.
Több olvasása
Réka S.
Nem igazán volt közreműködő a tulajdonos, nem vette figyelembe a veszélyhelyzetet.
Eva K.
Április 2021
Eva 1 hónap-t tartózkodott Prága helyen
Pokoj nesnesitelně páchl močí. Týden jsem to tam poprašovala sanytolem na koberce a textil, ale vždycky se to vrátilo. Šlo to z matrací a koberce. Nakonec jsem se musela odstěhovat, všechny věci by mi načichly. Pronajímatel prohlásil, že tam nic necítí, a pokoj nechal rezervovaný, i když jsem mu už vrátila klíče. Pak po mě vymáhal peníze za zbytek z 30denní výpovědní lhůty, kdy jsem tam už dávno nebyla, že prý mě nikdo nevyháněl a mohla jsem tam klidně dál bydlet. To je výsměch.
Takže ve výsledku jsem zaplatila skoro 11 tisíc (včetně provize Flatia) za 10 dní pobytu ve smradlavém pokoji. Měla jsem být při výběru opatrnější.
The room smelled of urine unbearably. I treated it with special carpet and textile deodorant for a week, but it always came back. It emanated from mattresses and carpet. Eventually I had to move out, otherwise all my things would get smelled like that. The landlord said he didn't smell anything bad there, keeping the room reserved, even though I had already returned the keys. Then he enforced money from me for the rest of the notice period, even though I hadn't already been there for a long time. He said that no one had forced me to move out and I could have stayed calmly. Kidding?
So as a result, I actually paid almost 500 dollars (including Flatio's commission) for 10 days in a stinky room. I should have been more cautious.
Több olvasása
Eva K.
Pokoj nesnesitelně páchl močí. Týden jsem to tam poprašovala sanytolem na koberce a textil, ale vždycky se to vrátilo. Šlo to z matrací a koberce. Nakonec jsem se musela odstěhovat, všechny věci by mi načichly. Pronajímatel prohlásil, že tam nic necítí, a pokoj nechal rezervovaný, i když jsem mu už vrátila klíče. Pak po mě vymáhal peníze za zbytek z 30denní výpovědní lhůty, kdy jsem tam už dávno nebyla, že prý mě nikdo nevyháněl a mohla jsem tam klidně dál bydlet. To je výsměch.
Takže ve výsledku jsem zaplatila skoro 11 tisíc (včetně provize Flatia) za 10 dní pobytu ve smradlavém pokoji. Měla jsem být při výběru opatrnější.
The room smelled of urine unbearably. I treated it with special carpet and textile deodorant for a week, but it always came back. It emanated from mattresses and carpet. Eventually I had to move out, otherwise all my things would get smelled like that. The landlord said he didn't smell anything bad there, keeping the room reserved, even though I had already returned the keys. Then he enforced money from me for the rest of the notice period, even though I hadn't already been there for a long time. He said that no one had forced me to move out and I could have stayed calmly. Kidding?
So as a result, I actually paid almost 500 dollars (including Flatio's commission) for 10 days in a stinky room. I should have been more cautious.
Veronika H.
Január 2021
Veronika 1 hónap-t tartózkodott Prága helyen
Bohužel nikdy více za tyto peníze, opravdu špatná postel alá ubytovna ještě zničená, kuchyň prakticky bez nadobí, v celém bytě neustále zima kvůli profukujícím vchodovým dveřím a slabému topení. Pračka s nefunkčním ždímáním. Mrzí mě, že musím psát takovou recenzi, ale za mě takto...
Több olvasása
Veronika H.
Bohužel nikdy více za tyto peníze, opravdu špatná postel alá ubytovna ještě zničená, kuchyň prakticky bez nadobí, v celém bytě neustále zima kvůli profukujícím vchodovým dveřím a slabému topení. Pračka s nefunkčním ždímáním. Mrzí mě, že musím psát takovou recenzi, ale za mě takto...
Radhika B.
December 2020
Radhika 23 nap-t tartózkodott Prága helyen
This landlord should be avoided at all costs. The apartment had serious issues with it - bedbugs (we were bitten every night), a bidet that didn't work, a front door with a lock that got stuck one night, etc. The landlord was mostly unavailable - not responding to calls and messages. He promised to refund part of the money that was paid and was encouraged by the flatio management to do so in consideration of how poor the quality of the flat was after we pointed this out and proved it.
But after verbally promising to refund the money, he refused to return messages or to do anything to keep his promise.
Please don't have anything to do with this landlord or any of his properties listed on flatio or elsewhere. You will regret it. I don't want anyone else to go through what I have gone through.
The time I spent in this flat was probably one of the worst times in my life.
Több olvasása
Radhika B.
This landlord should be avoided at all costs. The apartment had serious issues with it - bedbugs (we were bitten every night), a bidet that didn't work, a front door with a lock that got stuck one night, etc. The landlord was mostly unavailable - not responding to calls and messages. He promised to refund part of the money that was paid and was encouraged by the flatio management to do so in consideration of how poor the quality of the flat was after we pointed this out and proved it.
But after verbally promising to refund the money, he refused to return messages or to do anything to keep his promise.
Please don't have anything to do with this landlord or any of his properties listed on flatio or elsewhere. You will regret it. I don't want anyone else to go through what I have gone through.
The time I spent in this flat was probably one of the worst times in my life.
Ehsan E.
November 2020
Ehsan 1 hónap-t tartózkodott Prága helyen
Negative points:
- You should have photos of every bit of the every corner of the apartment when you enter. because the landlady at end of contract may have some other clean photos of other times and make you clean the house or pay 2000-3000 CZK for cleaning.
- The owner may seem helpful, but just read the contract and instruction. you may see her help at the time you should hand her the apartment.
Positive points:
- good access to public transportation
- Albert market is near
- quiet neighborhood
Több olvasása
Ehsan E.
Negative points:
- You should have photos of every bit of the every corner of the apartment when you enter. because the landlady at end of contract may have some other clean photos of other times and make you clean the house or pay 2000-3000 CZK for cleaning.
- The owner may seem helpful, but just read the contract and instruction. you may see her help at the time you should hand her the apartment.
Positive points:
- good access to public transportation
- Albert market is near
- quiet neighborhood
Phil B.
Augusztus 2020
Phil 14 nap-t tartózkodott Prága helyen
Worst experience in Prague in 3 years. Accordeonist playing non stop everyday from noon till 22pm, which is legal, but hidden in the description! I wonder why they did not send me the address upfront or let me see the place before booking... Good business is based on honesty. And when asking for a cancelation/refund, just impossible, we had to suffer the torture of this place for 2 weeks!!! Not cool
Több olvasása
Phil B.
Worst experience in Prague in 3 years. Accordeonist playing non stop everyday from noon till 22pm, which is legal, but hidden in the description! I wonder why they did not send me the address upfront or let me see the place before booking... Good business is based on honesty. And when asking for a cancelation/refund, just impossible, we had to suffer the torture of this place for 2 weeks!!! Not cool
Anastasiia M.
Július 2020
Anastasiia 23 nap-t tartózkodott Prága helyen
Být byl velmi špinavý, ve kuchyni byli zůstatky jídla. V bytě se nachází plynový radiátor. Když jsme zapnulí topení, byl natolik hrozný pach, že nebylo možné se nahazet v pokoji.
Több olvasása
Anastasiia M.
Být byl velmi špinavý, ve kuchyni byli zůstatky jídla. V bytě se nachází plynový radiátor. Když jsme zapnulí topení, byl natolik hrozný pach, že nebylo možné se nahazet v pokoji.
Jana P.
Június 2020
Jana 1 hónap-t tartózkodott Brno helyen
Tl;dr: breathtaking incompetence and rudeness from manager at Bohemian Estates. Flat itself OK but very dark, uncomfortably furnished and not very secure.
We experienced a very poor level of service from Bohemian Estates throughout our stay. Here are three examples.
1. On our first day in the flat we reported that the microwave and the extractor fan needed fixing, and that we wanted a second set of keys. The repairs (within 24hrs) and the keys (next working day) are mandated by the contract.
In six weeks staying at the flat, no attempt was ever made to repair the extractor fan. The microwave was replaced after two weeks, when we asked Flatio to intervene. The second set of keys was delivered after 11 days.
2. Given our dismal experience with the above necessary repairs, we took care of the following ourselves.
a) Mop broken and missing its head,
b) Hoover dismantled and with a single, full, disposable bag,
c) Main ceiling light, designed for circa 16 lightbulbs, has only four,
d) Dishwasher empty of salt and rinse aid (neither provided),
e) Glass-topped table cracked,
f) Shower leaks terribly due to ineffective door seal.
3. Our agent at Bohemian Estates was very rude. For instance:
a) Repeatedly (falsely) accused us of breaking the microwave (see above),
b) Showed up completely unannounced at our door with a client to view our flat,
c) When we refused the above viewing, we suggested a different time to which she never showed,
d) When we inquired about another one of her properties, she repeatedly changed the rental price. When we inquired as to why, she first accused us of misremembering. Then, she admitted that she was unable to remember the rental prices of the 25 properties under her management.
Should it interest the reader, we have the full transcript of our WhatsApp conversations with the agent in question. These verify all points in 1. and 3. We sought to complain to her superior at the company, but found that (according to Bohemian Estates’ website) she has sole charge of their entire Brno short-term letting operation.
Finally, a security concern unrelated to Bohemian Estates. The flat is situated on the ground floor, low enough that passers-by can easily look - or even climb - in through the only exterior window. Compounding this, the building is situated next to a nightclub and a park - which, whilst beautiful, is frequented by large numbers of homeless beggars. On multiple occasions (even with restricted opening hours due to Covid-19) we encountered beggars and revellers leaning in through the flat window while we were inside. High vigilance is therefore required when staying at the flat, particularly in warmer months.
Based on our experience, we can happily recommend Flatio but warn strongly against Bohemian Estates.
Több olvasása
Jana P.
Tl;dr: breathtaking incompetence and rudeness from manager at Bohemian Estates. Flat itself OK but very dark, uncomfortably furnished and not very secure.
We experienced a very poor level of service from Bohemian Estates throughout our stay. Here are three examples.
1. On our first day in the flat we reported that the microwave and the extractor fan needed fixing, and that we wanted a second set of keys. The repairs (within 24hrs) and the keys (next working day) are mandated by the contract.
In six weeks staying at the flat, no attempt was ever made to repair the extractor fan. The microwave was replaced after two weeks, when we asked Flatio to intervene. The second set of keys was delivered after 11 days.
2. Given our dismal experience with the above necessary repairs, we took care of the following ourselves.
a) Mop broken and missing its head,
b) Hoover dismantled and with a single, full, disposable bag,
c) Main ceiling light, designed for circa 16 lightbulbs, has only four,
d) Dishwasher empty of salt and rinse aid (neither provided),
e) Glass-topped table cracked,
f) Shower leaks terribly due to ineffective door seal.
3. Our agent at Bohemian Estates was very rude. For instance:
a) Repeatedly (falsely) accused us of breaking the microwave (see above),
b) Showed up completely unannounced at our door with a client to view our flat,
c) When we refused the above viewing, we suggested a different time to which she never showed,
d) When we inquired about another one of her properties, she repeatedly changed the rental price. When we inquired as to why, she first accused us of misremembering. Then, she admitted that she was unable to remember the rental prices of the 25 properties under her management.
Should it interest the reader, we have the full transcript of our WhatsApp conversations with the agent in question. These verify all points in 1. and 3. We sought to complain to her superior at the company, but found that (according to Bohemian Estates’ website) she has sole charge of their entire Brno short-term letting operation.
Finally, a security concern unrelated to Bohemian Estates. The flat is situated on the ground floor, low enough that passers-by can easily look - or even climb - in through the only exterior window. Compounding this, the building is situated next to a nightclub and a park - which, whilst beautiful, is frequented by large numbers of homeless beggars. On multiple occasions (even with restricted opening hours due to Covid-19) we encountered beggars and revellers leaning in through the flat window while we were inside. High vigilance is therefore required when staying at the flat, particularly in warmer months.
Based on our experience, we can happily recommend Flatio but warn strongly against Bohemian Estates.
Daniel T.
Június 2020
Daniel 2 nap-t tartózkodott Prága helyen
Нет слов даже
Több olvasása
Daniel T.
Нет слов даже
Ladislav K.
Május 2020
Ladislav 1 hónap-t tartózkodott Prága helyen
V potaz jsme vzali jen cenu ubytování, vše ostatní bylo hrozné. Postele byly plné zvířecí srsti což je pro alergika úplně super. Toaleta neustále protíkala, stínící žaluzie odpadávala.
Co se týče skupin obyvatel tohoto domu byla to vážně katastrofa. Střídá se tam ohromné množství lidí kteří bez klíčů čekají před vraty než je někdo pustí do objektu. A když se pak oknem koukáte na člověka co si právě chystá dávku kterou si chce pak píchnout, je Vám z toho zle. Mimo jiné neustálý hluk a hádky spolubydlících v domě.
Za mě jedině plus co se týkalo ceny jinak vícekrát již ne, děkujeme.
Több olvasása
Ladislav K.
V potaz jsme vzali jen cenu ubytování, vše ostatní bylo hrozné. Postele byly plné zvířecí srsti což je pro alergika úplně super. Toaleta neustále protíkala, stínící žaluzie odpadávala.
Co se týče skupin obyvatel tohoto domu byla to vážně katastrofa. Střídá se tam ohromné množství lidí kteří bez klíčů čekají před vraty než je někdo pustí do objektu. A když se pak oknem koukáte na člověka co si právě chystá dávku kterou si chce pak píchnout, je Vám z toho zle. Mimo jiné neustálý hluk a hádky spolubydlících v domě.
Za mě jedině plus co se týkalo ceny jinak vícekrát již ne, děkujeme.
Birol A.
Március 2020
Birol 1 hónap-t tartózkodott Prága helyen
flat owner not honest and oppurtinist person without any investigation he can easly blame you lack of nobilty
Több olvasása
Birol A.
flat owner not honest and oppurtinist person without any investigation he can easly blame you lack of nobilty
Boglárka P.
Március 2020
Boglárka 2 hónap-t tartózkodott Budapest helyen
Well, I really dont know where to begin. First when i steped front of the door i had to realise i have a "neighbor" who is actually a very noisy flatmeat!
The Apartman was very,very,very dirty (disgusting) My opinion is, If i stay somewhere more than a week or just more than few days (for me it was 1.5 month) i need a few cleaning equipment ( e.g. a mop, so i had to buy clean products and equipment too).
Everything in the room is very low quality (kitchen cupboard,stairs,table, chairs literally fall appart..)
The only one window have a certain, that is impossible to fix to someone doesnt look in...
and the wardrobe had a massive cigarette fetor. ( i had to buy 2 scent to make this smell endurable)
In the bathroom the water heater never made enough water to normally wash my hair ( shoulders length) when i having a shower, and never dreaming about shaving and hair wash in the same time.
In the kitchen never is hot....not even warm water to wash your dishes (that of course i also had to buy more..)
With an expensive price for this small room,i accepted something special. Only special thing was my fustration. And for this price the minimum is to be liveable .( I think minimalist doesnt mean Nothing.)
Több olvasása
Boglárka P.
Well, I really dont know where to begin. First when i steped front of the door i had to realise i have a "neighbor" who is actually a very noisy flatmeat!
The Apartman was very,very,very dirty (disgusting) My opinion is, If i stay somewhere more than a week or just more than few days (for me it was 1.5 month) i need a few cleaning equipment ( e.g. a mop, so i had to buy clean products and equipment too).
Everything in the room is very low quality (kitchen cupboard,stairs,table, chairs literally fall appart..)
The only one window have a certain, that is impossible to fix to someone doesnt look in...
and the wardrobe had a massive cigarette fetor. ( i had to buy 2 scent to make this smell endurable)
In the bathroom the water heater never made enough water to normally wash my hair ( shoulders length) when i having a shower, and never dreaming about shaving and hair wash in the same time.
In the kitchen never is hot....not even warm water to wash your dishes (that of course i also had to buy more..)
With an expensive price for this small room,i accepted something special. Only special thing was my fustration. And for this price the minimum is to be liveable .( I think minimalist doesnt mean Nothing.)
Michael H.
Február 2020
Michael 5 hónap-t tartózkodott Prága helyen
Neudělejte stejnou chybu jako já a nepokoušejte se rezervovat bydlení u tohoto nespolehlivého člověka. Poprvé jsem si u pana Radima zarezervoval bydlení a zaplatil 1. nájem 25.04.2019, s tím, že nastěhovat jsem se měl 07.09.2019. Bral jsem to jako hotovou věc a na léto jsem odjel do zahraničí. Nicméně v červenci mě kontaktovalo Flatio s tím, že pan Radim si přeje rezervaci zrušit. Takže jsem musel narychlo shánět bydlení už za celkem nevýhodných podmínek a navíc ze zahraničí. Nicméně mi pan Radim osobně po telefonu nabídl, že bych u něj mohl bydlet od dubna 2020. Po nějaké době jsem na to kývl, 10. července 2019 jsem vytvořil rezervaci přes tento portál a zaplatil 1. nájem. V září jsem pana Radima kontaktoval, zda s bydlením můžu počítat na 100% a zda se nebude opakovat předchozí situace. Ujistil mě, že bydlení mám jisté a že se mnou na 100% počítá. Asi není těžké odhadnout, jak to pokračovalo. V lednu 2020 opět telefonát z Flatia s tím, že pan Radim se rozhodl rezervaci zrušit.
Több olvasása
Michael H.
Neudělejte stejnou chybu jako já a nepokoušejte se rezervovat bydlení u tohoto nespolehlivého člověka. Poprvé jsem si u pana Radima zarezervoval bydlení a zaplatil 1. nájem 25.04.2019, s tím, že nastěhovat jsem se měl 07.09.2019. Bral jsem to jako hotovou věc a na léto jsem odjel do zahraničí. Nicméně v červenci mě kontaktovalo Flatio s tím, že pan Radim si přeje rezervaci zrušit. Takže jsem musel narychlo shánět bydlení už za celkem nevýhodných podmínek a navíc ze zahraničí. Nicméně mi pan Radim osobně po telefonu nabídl, že bych u něj mohl bydlet od dubna 2020. Po nějaké době jsem na to kývl, 10. července 2019 jsem vytvořil rezervaci přes tento portál a zaplatil 1. nájem. V září jsem pana Radima kontaktoval, zda s bydlením můžu počítat na 100% a zda se nebude opakovat předchozí situace. Ujistil mě, že bydlení mám jisté a že se mnou na 100% počítá. Asi není těžké odhadnout, jak to pokračovalo. V lednu 2020 opět telefonát z Flatia s tím, že pan Radim se rozhodl rezervaci zrušit.
Thomas P.
Január 2020
Thomas 29 nap-t tartózkodott Prága helyen
I didn't rated 0 because I already knew what i was walking into.
To stay fair, the basics were there.
The washing machine, cooking hobs, fridge and heater were working.
The location wasn't great ( a king of basement of a building ), the communication with the owner was complicated. I had the feeling he didn't really care of the well-being of his tenants, as long as he is getting paid.
The information to collect the keys were very vague and the location far from the apartment.
I didn't get more information from the people of the agencies who gave me the keys.
When texted the owner about internet, he replied that i had to look for a modem, which I found after searching the apartment but the connection wasn't working and my phone signal was very poor ( I think due to basement location ), so i basically didn't have internet inside the apartement.
The overall feels old, almost unhealthy to live in.
The cooking ustensiles are very used, the bed slats keep falling down and there was not even a chair at the kitchen table.
To top it all, there were a lot of dirt and cigarette butts under the bed.
When I tried to rent it the first time for a quite high price, the owner cancelled it because he considered the price too low ( It feels like he is playing on the stock market with his different apartements )
I took it because I got a job offer on very short notice close to Košická street but you should really avoid it . Any place is better than this.
Több olvasása
Thomas P.
I didn't rated 0 because I already knew what i was walking into.
To stay fair, the basics were there.
The washing machine, cooking hobs, fridge and heater were working.
The location wasn't great ( a king of basement of a building ), the communication with the owner was complicated. I had the feeling he didn't really care of the well-being of his tenants, as long as he is getting paid.
The information to collect the keys were very vague and the location far from the apartment.
I didn't get more information from the people of the agencies who gave me the keys.
When texted the owner about internet, he replied that i had to look for a modem, which I found after searching the apartment but the connection wasn't working and my phone signal was very poor ( I think due to basement location ), so i basically didn't have internet inside the apartement.
The overall feels old, almost unhealthy to live in.
The cooking ustensiles are very used, the bed slats keep falling down and there was not even a chair at the kitchen table.
To top it all, there were a lot of dirt and cigarette butts under the bed.
When I tried to rent it the first time for a quite high price, the owner cancelled it because he considered the price too low ( It feels like he is playing on the stock market with his different apartements )
I took it because I got a job offer on very short notice close to Košická street but you should really avoid it . Any place is better than this.
Federico R.
December 2019
Federico 1 hónap-t tartózkodott Prága helyen
Poorly furnished, no internet (the modem was in another flat, almost no signal). The sink was badly fixed with tape before my arrival. It massively leaked and they fixed it when I wasn’t there despite I asked to be present because I had my staff there. I had to write the landlord to get basic information about heat system and internet and had to wait even two days for a reply. Worst bed I’ve ever slept in, the sheets didn’t even cover the entire surface.
Több olvasása
Federico R.
Poorly furnished, no internet (the modem was in another flat, almost no signal). The sink was badly fixed with tape before my arrival. It massively leaked and they fixed it when I wasn’t there despite I asked to be present because I had my staff there. I had to write the landlord to get basic information about heat system and internet and had to wait even two days for a reply. Worst bed I’ve ever slept in, the sheets didn’t even cover the entire surface.
Amirhossein G.
December 2019
Amirhossein 1 hónap-t tartózkodott Prága helyen
He is a pefect man kind and generous but his flat was awful
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Amirhossein G.
He is a pefect man kind and generous but his flat was awful
Miss Mariama Mariama L.
November 2019
Miss Mariama Mariama 6 hónap-t tartózkodott Prága helyen
Not good full of mosquitoes no TV no sofa empty dirty towels thouse damaged furniture the landlord asked me to pay her damage items Czech Coronas 5000 and and she fretting me not happy at all
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Miss Mariama Mariama L.
Not good full of mosquitoes no TV no sofa empty dirty towels thouse damaged furniture the landlord asked me to pay her damage items Czech Coronas 5000 and and she fretting me not happy at all
David P.
Október 2019
David 3 hónap-t tartózkodott Prága helyen
Renting from Mr. Uhrman was extremely unpleasant and I strongly discourage anyone from working with him. If you choose not to listen, then you're taking the biggest risk of your entire life. This man simply can't be trusted and neither can any of his colleagues that I worked with. They are all liars involved with some scheme that I know nothing about. Play at your own risk with Mr Uhrman. Now, first of all, when I moved in, the toilet was extremely filthy. I called one of his assistance and she made a joke out of it, rudely requesting that I take a picture of the toilet and clean it myself. Also, the apartment was setup very dangerously, causing constant bump of the head against the cabinets in the kitchen and bathroom so much that one can get seriously injured. Suspiciously dangerous setup. The windows had inadequate curtaining, even in the bathroom, which allowed anyone outside to easily see right inside and provided very little protection from the sun. Bring plenty of sunscreen! There were no blinds to cover the windows and when i spoke to the same lady about it, she again rudely told me to take a picture of it. This seemingly retarded woman said that people don't use window blinds in the Czech Republic and almost everyone has them on their windows in the neighborhood and all over Prague! At that point, I overtly refused to take any more pictures for her, and quite frankly, she needs to hire a photographer if she wants pictures and stop asking tenants to do her dirty work without paying for it. Sorry lady, I don't work for free! She was extremely disrespectful at the outset, she was obnoxious and sinister towards me, obviously just for being a foreigner, which is why nobody should work with them. I'm shocked that these people don't appreciate foreigners bringing them business. They don't deserve your business, so don't give them any money. These people obviously have no honor or integrity and make their country look terrible before the world. The only reason why people behave towards others in that manner for no reason is because they're completely miserable. Another serious problem was that Mr. Uhrman's colleague promised to deliver a modem after the day I moved in, and he never did. So I had to go and get my own Internet setup and pay for Internet service that Mr. Uhrman was supposed to provide. The same lady said in such an obviously scandalous, dishonest and obnoxious way "oh, I'm sorry, my 'cooolleague' had a misunderstanding." She then claimed the place had WIFI and it didn't work at all. Just a complete joke. Then she said "hit me up" if I needed any more help with anything. Actually, the WIFI signal was so weak that it didn't even provide more than 1 MBPS download. That's Internet access Mr Uhrman style! Be super careful if you work online or like using the Internet. When I tried to contact her about unannounced visitors showing up at the doorstep, some Vietnamese person who couldn't understand anything answered and said he didn't even know her. Please NOTE: During the 3 months that I stayed there. More than 6 people showed up on 6 different occasions wanting to enter the apartment without any notice. That's never happened anywhere I've lived in the whole world. These are obviously very "special" people. I kindly requested that they give me a simple text or an email message if they needed to come in for any reason. They never respected that, and kept coming over disturbing me, waking me up and asking to come in. After I let one of his unannounced people in, he started doing all of this extensive work taking a lot of time and then I found him in the bathroom washing his face in the sink! This is not the communist era, but unfortunately some people haven't caught up with the rest of the world. On one occasion, someone who appeared to be Mr. Uhrman himself wearing glasses actually walked in the apartment without any notice. He knocked once and then just walked in when I wasn't even dressed for a visitor! I think he wanted to see me naked! I asked who he was and if he worked there, and he got scared and walked away. I then yelled at him very loudly and told him not to ever do that again! On another occasion, someone with the key showed up with a backpack, and I told him outright that he absolutely needs to give some sort of notice before just showing up with the intent to enter the place if he thinks that I'm not there like Mr. Uhrman did. I think he wanted to steal my computers or other belongings, which is why he was wearing a backpack and looking very suspicious! Attempted theft or burglary may have been involved, I'm a lawyer from California, and this conduct is tantamount to burglary. In many jurisdictions around the world and maybe even in the Czech Republic under EU Law, any tenant would have a legal cause of action against Mr. Uhrman. I would not hesitate to sue him immediately if anything happened while I was living there. The Flatio team was helpful providing great customer service, so my complain has nothing to do with them. I just say to be careful who you work with and associate with, especially after you already know in your heart who they are. Their bad karma will spread to you if you deal with them. Because of weirdos like these, I'll never return to Prague again and spend my money. They don't attract people, they only repel.
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David P.
Renting from Mr. Uhrman was extremely unpleasant and I strongly discourage anyone from working with him. If you choose not to listen, then you're taking the biggest risk of your entire life. This man simply can't be trusted and neither can any of his colleagues that I worked with. They are all liars involved with some scheme that I know nothing about. Play at your own risk with Mr Uhrman. Now, first of all, when I moved in, the toilet was extremely filthy. I called one of his assistance and she made a joke out of it, rudely requesting that I take a picture of the toilet and clean it myself. Also, the apartment was setup very dangerously, causing constant bump of the head against the cabinets in the kitchen and bathroom so much that one can get seriously injured. Suspiciously dangerous setup. The windows had inadequate curtaining, even in the bathroom, which allowed anyone outside to easily see right inside and provided very little protection from the sun. Bring plenty of sunscreen! There were no blinds to cover the windows and when i spoke to the same lady about it, she again rudely told me to take a picture of it. This seemingly retarded woman said that people don't use window blinds in the Czech Republic and almost everyone has them on their windows in the neighborhood and all over Prague! At that point, I overtly refused to take any more pictures for her, and quite frankly, she needs to hire a photographer if she wants pictures and stop asking tenants to do her dirty work without paying for it. Sorry lady, I don't work for free! She was extremely disrespectful at the outset, she was obnoxious and sinister towards me, obviously just for being a foreigner, which is why nobody should work with them. I'm shocked that these people don't appreciate foreigners bringing them business. They don't deserve your business, so don't give them any money. These people obviously have no honor or integrity and make their country look terrible before the world. The only reason why people behave towards others in that manner for no reason is because they're completely miserable. Another serious problem was that Mr. Uhrman's colleague promised to deliver a modem after the day I moved in, and he never did. So I had to go and get my own Internet setup and pay for Internet service that Mr. Uhrman was supposed to provide. The same lady said in such an obviously scandalous, dishonest and obnoxious way "oh, I'm sorry, my 'cooolleague' had a misunderstanding." She then claimed the place had WIFI and it didn't work at all. Just a complete joke. Then she said "hit me up" if I needed any more help with anything. Actually, the WIFI signal was so weak that it didn't even provide more than 1 MBPS download. That's Internet access Mr Uhrman style! Be super careful if you work online or like using the Internet. When I tried to contact her about unannounced visitors showing up at the doorstep, some Vietnamese person who couldn't understand anything answered and said he didn't even know her. Please NOTE: During the 3 months that I stayed there. More than 6 people showed up on 6 different occasions wanting to enter the apartment without any notice. That's never happened anywhere I've lived in the whole world. These are obviously very "special" people. I kindly requested that they give me a simple text or an email message if they needed to come in for any reason. They never respected that, and kept coming over disturbing me, waking me up and asking to come in. After I let one of his unannounced people in, he started doing all of this extensive work taking a lot of time and then I found him in the bathroom washing his face in the sink! This is not the communist era, but unfortunately some people haven't caught up with the rest of the world. On one occasion, someone who appeared to be Mr. Uhrman himself wearing glasses actually walked in the apartment without any notice. He knocked once and then just walked in when I wasn't even dressed for a visitor! I think he wanted to see me naked! I asked who he was and if he worked there, and he got scared and walked away. I then yelled at him very loudly and told him not to ever do that again! On another occasion, someone with the key showed up with a backpack, and I told him outright that he absolutely needs to give some sort of notice before just showing up with the intent to enter the place if he thinks that I'm not there like Mr. Uhrman did. I think he wanted to steal my computers or other belongings, which is why he was wearing a backpack and looking very suspicious! Attempted theft or burglary may have been involved, I'm a lawyer from California, and this conduct is tantamount to burglary. In many jurisdictions around the world and maybe even in the Czech Republic under EU Law, any tenant would have a legal cause of action against Mr. Uhrman. I would not hesitate to sue him immediately if anything happened while I was living there. The Flatio team was helpful providing great customer service, so my complain has nothing to do with them. I just say to be careful who you work with and associate with, especially after you already know in your heart who they are. Their bad karma will spread to you if you deal with them. Because of weirdos like these, I'll never return to Prague again and spend my money. They don't attract people, they only repel.
Anna H.
Szeptember 2019
Anna 17 nap-t tartózkodott Prága helyen
I don't recommend this accommodation.
Bylo to hrozné. Nebyl tam ani kastrol ani čistící prostředky. Najednou přestal fungovat internet. Skříň taky tam není.
Já to nedoporučuji.
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Anna H.
I don't recommend this accommodation.
Bylo to hrozné. Nebyl tam ani kastrol ani čistící prostředky. Najednou přestal fungovat internet. Skříň taky tam není.
Já to nedoporučuji.
Phil B.
Szeptember 2019
Phil 14 nap-t tartózkodott Prága helyen
Zero communication, flat not clean at all, we requested extra sheets and towels, no response... In description, it says"Cable TV" there is the cable, but no TV !!! The only response I receive 48 hours later from the owner: "telefonicky" ... Waited 45 minutes in front of the door when check in. It's a shame as location and price are good.
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Phil B.
Zero communication, flat not clean at all, we requested extra sheets and towels, no response... In description, it says"Cable TV" there is the cable, but no TV !!! The only response I receive 48 hours later from the owner: "telefonicky" ... Waited 45 minutes in front of the door when check in. It's a shame as location and price are good.
Quentin C.
Augusztus 2019
Quentin 22 nap-t tartózkodott Prága helyen
Where to start ?
I’ve had only two messages from the owner and he didn’t even tell me how to check in,
I had to wait 2 hours to get the key because they didn’t know where they were,
I didn’t had the correct address, I had to double check for the right address and nobody showed up for the check in
When I came inside the apartment it was so dirty (toilet never cleaned up, the kitchen doesn’t have a bowl, moisture on the bedsheets and plates unusable) that I had to spend 20€ in cleaning furnitures.
And to finish nobody showed up for the check out .
My conclusion: if you want to enjoy a great experience don’t go with this apartment
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Quentin C.
Where to start ?
I’ve had only two messages from the owner and he didn’t even tell me how to check in,
I had to wait 2 hours to get the key because they didn’t know where they were,
I didn’t had the correct address, I had to double check for the right address and nobody showed up for the check in
When I came inside the apartment it was so dirty (toilet never cleaned up, the kitchen doesn’t have a bowl, moisture on the bedsheets and plates unusable) that I had to spend 20€ in cleaning furnitures.
And to finish nobody showed up for the check out .
My conclusion: if you want to enjoy a great experience don’t go with this apartment
David P.
Augusztus 2019
David 1 hónap-t tartózkodott Brno helyen
Don't trust him. He's a dirty liar. Don't say you weren't warned...
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David P.
Don't trust him. He's a dirty liar. Don't say you weren't warned...
Anna B.
Augusztus 2019
Anna 1 hónap-t tartózkodott Bécs helyen
Preferred communication out of Flatio, not responsible, didn't let to keep the luggage at the room. The room was double bed, after two weeks another friend should move in, she didn't let him stay. He had to leave to nowhere. Don't understand English, prefer communicating in German, stopped replying in the end and was shouting at me. I am a student, doing volunteership in Vienna
Több olvasása
Anna B.
Preferred communication out of Flatio, not responsible, didn't let to keep the luggage at the room. The room was double bed, after two weeks another friend should move in, she didn't let him stay. He had to leave to nowhere. Don't understand English, prefer communicating in German, stopped replying in the end and was shouting at me. I am a student, doing volunteership in Vienna
Csatlakozzon a Flatio-hoz és élvezze utazásait a maximumon!
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Üdvözöljük azon úti célok listáján, ahol csodálatos szálláshelyek várják Önt.
Figyelem, bérbeadók! Lehetőségük van arra, hogy a világ bármely pontján kiadják ingatlanukat, országtól függetlenül! Ne aggódjon, ha az Ön városa nem jelenik meg itt - csak adja meg ingatlanát, és mi felvesszük úti célját a listára. Legyen Ön az első, aki meleg és barátságos szálláshelyet kínál az Ön városában!