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Prága, Csehország: Olvassa el a bérlők és a szállásadók értékeléseit, akiknek már volt bérleti tapasztalata ebben a célállomásban!

Jan A. Tulajdonos
Málo nabídek
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04.02.2019 Prága
Todd L. Bérlő
The use of a credit card should not come with a fee. I realize you use a third party but there shouldn't be an additional charge for prompt payment via credit card.
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06.02.2019 Prága
Jan A. Tulajdonos
Vice nabídek
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29.01.2019 Prága
Lizet W. Bérlő
The idea of the service is great. Just highly expensive. Both the appartments as the fee to Flatio which gets higher the longer you stay. A longer stay should be less expensive since you try to promote longterm stay. If I didn't get money from my boss for the first month in Prague, I would have never been able to afford it. So I don't recommend, since there are plenty of options for long term stay in Prague that are cheaper.
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25.12.2018 Prága
Monique B. Bérlő
Fees are too high
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03.01.2019 Prága
Ouissam N. Bérlő
It’s easy to understand, it works easier like an Airbnb but there was some problems with the payment system.
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01.01.2019 Prága
Zuzana P. Tulajdonos
Spatna zakaznicka podpora, velmi tezce se lze dovolat, reseni problemu mi prislo neprofesionalni (nevolala jsem proto, abysme si spolecne zalamentovaly, ale aby mi situaci pomohla vyresit), ale slecna byla aspon mila a ochotna. Aplikace je dost chuda a uzivatelsky ne zcela pratelska. Napr. zpusob rezervaci - majitel nema casto ani zakladni info o najemnicich/hostech, a to ani to, kolik lidi ma v byte bydlet.
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26.12.2018 Prága
Alyssa-Juliet I. Bérlő
Overall, I am satisfied although the waiting was long when I wanted to leave the flat. There is a mentioning that if the tenant did not find the flat matching the description, he/she can change immediately. However, with the slow response, this is virtually impossible. I think that should be taken down if it is not guaranteed with quick support. Otherwise, my overpayment will be back and the support was helpful. I guess the slow support was caused by the lack of number of people. But I am satisfied as the support intervened eventually and there is no fuss about the refund. Thank you
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05.12.2018 Prága
Concetta P. Bérlő
Mediocre service, nothing pleased me this time. Flatio could improve its customer assistance, and by customer I mean the tenant.
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10.12.2018 Prága
Tomáš Z. Bérlő
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04.10.2018 Prága
Olivia L. Bérlő
I have to see the flat to give a relevant review
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30.10.2018 Prága
Kevin V. Bérlő
Not quite sure how it all works out..
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06.10.2018 Prága
Peter T. Bérlő
There is no notification when your request is rejected. So I remember waiting for a response assuming I would be notified if I didn't receive a property and maybe an explanation as to why so I could improve my messaging and I didn't hear a word.
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04.06.2018 Prága
Thalia J. Bérlő
I have still not received my refund for my adjusted stay/overpayment. I don’t understand how you can accept bitcoin as payment but are unable to refund with it. It makes no sense to me as I continue to wait for the refund.
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30.08.2018 Prága
Andy W. Bérlő
the service fee is severely undisclosed and really high
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08.06.2018 Prága
Ľubica Z. Tulajdonos
Dobrá služba, ak človek nemá smolu na podvodného nájomníka. Ak má, tak ho Flatio nie je schopné odhaliť. Poistenie pokryje len škody na byte, ale v danej chvíli nie nezaplatený nájom. V prípade serióznosti oboch strán to može fungovať k spokojnosti všetkých. V mojom prípade to bohužiaľ tak nebolo.
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23.08.2018 Prága
Khrista T. Tulajdonos
I think since you’re charging commission on each payment, you should also be the ones requesting the payments from the tenants and following up on it when they don’t pay it rather than telling me to contact the tenant.... apart from the online advertising I don’t see any added value in any services provided by Flatio.
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07.08.2018 Prága
Yasir A. Bérlő
Service is excellent, with rate 9. The communication system and client center pleased me the most. Overall very satisfied.
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29.07.2018 Prága
Andrew U. Bérlő
It isn't that I'm not satisfied with Flatio, it is that I have no opinion - yet - of the service. As the song goes, we've only just begun... Perhaps this survey should come later in the process.
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01.08.2018 Prága
Petr H. Bérlő
Nebyl jsem nespokojen.
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27.07.2018 Prága
Peter B. Tulajdonos
UX s help detskom, prehľadnejši web
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16.07.2018 Prága
Dylan R. Bérlő
I think it's good, but I think it's too soon to ask if I would recommend the service right after I've submitted my first booking!
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13.07.2018 Prága
Pavel D. Tulajdonos
velmi pozdní platba po ubytování,nervy
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06.07.2018 Prága
Aigerim K. Bérlő
This is my first time using Flatio and haven't had the complete experience of it yet. I'll be happy to provide a comprehensive feedback after completion of my tenancy.
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04.07.2018 Prága