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Prága, Csehország: Olvassa el a bérlők és a szállásadók értékeléseit, akiknek már volt bérleti tapasztalata ebben a célállomásban!

Martin K. Bérlő
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13.02.2019 Prága
Helena L. Bérlő
Že se dá sehnat pronájem na kratší dobu.
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12.02.2019 Prága
Yakov K. Bérlő
simple and quick service
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12.02.2019 Prága
Miren Begoña G. Bérlő
Fácil y claro
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12.02.2019 Prága
Jindřich B. Tulajdonos
Potesili mne poptavky od rozumnych lidi. Zlepsit by se melo zmatecne a neprehledne rozhranni, ktere je obcas malem blocker (napr. kdyz mi zakaznik pise jak ma neco udelat, ze tomu nerozumi a nevi co dal.)
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11.02.2019 Prága
Andrés P. Bérlő
I had a bit of an issue dealing with the whole Bitcoin situation, although after I got the hang of it, I was fine.
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11.02.2019 Prága
Ghiulden I. Bérlő
Great team,very helpful and comited people.
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23.01.2019 Prága
Andrés P. Bérlő
I appreciate immensely the fact that you connect people directly with the owners. I would enjoy immensely if you'd embrace a system for paying that doesn't involve any credit card or bank transaction: either plain cash or transferences through services such as Western Union.
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10.01.2019 Prága
Jon Corta F. Bérlő
It is easy and clear to do the looking for. The contract is clear.
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11.02.2019 Prága
Samuel D. Bérlő
Nothing to signal, really good interface and service.
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10.02.2019 Prága
Nicolas P. Bérlő
nice interface and notification system to manage the renting and payments with the owner
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08.02.2019 Prága
Sergei A. Bérlő
per-month rent
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29.10.2018 Prága
Nicolas P. Bérlő
Simplicity and User Experience
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20.07.2018 Prága
Charlotte P. Bérlő
The variety of the available apartments, and the easy booking system.
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28.12.2018 Prága
Roman Š. Bérlő
přehledné a jednoduché.
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09.02.2019 Prága
Marit H. Bérlő
It's easy
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08.02.2019 Prága
Manuela H. Bérlő
Dobrá a korektní spolupráce s agenturou Flatio. Mohu vřele doporučit.
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25.12.2018 Prága
Leah C. Bérlő
Ease of use.
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06.10.2018 Prága
Cosmin F. Bérlő
How easy it was to find listings
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07.02.2019 Prága
Attila H. Tulajdonos
Flatio has certainly an ambition to become an important player in the field of short-term to mid-term rents, it has a very nice and clear design which makes it easy for someone new to navigate, on the other hand, it is evident, that there is a lot of space for improvement here for example: 1. As an owner renting his flat, I would certainly welcome a "hand-in protocole" as opposed to the "hand-over" protocole, that should be filled out at the end of the rental service. 2. I would welcome having an option to be able to set a rental deposit up to the monthly rent and 3. somehow improved communication with the tenant (I found myself in the situation when tenant is taking too long to reply). 4. Improved tenant-owner evaluation : similarly like Airbnb does: Dont show my evaluation to the tenant until he fills out his/hers in order not to influence his own evaluation or until the pre-defined time limitation on filling it out has passed (presently 30 days or something). The same must apply vice versa: tenant vs. owner.
Több megjelenítése
06.02.2019 Prága
Mitch C. Bérlő
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06.02.2019 Prága
Tomáš F. Bérlő
Jednoduchost, rychlost.
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06.02.2019 Prága
Mitch C. Bérlő
Its got no agency fee and everything is included in 1 price
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27.09.2018 Prága
Radana D. Bérlő
rychlé, efektivní.
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05.02.2019 Prága