A tulajdonos kártyája Neil - Flatio
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Neil D.
Tapasztalt bérbeadó
Tapasztalt bérbeadó
Medailon megjelenítés


Ocean view apartment in Funchal

Értékelve ezen a napon: 26.03.2024 Tartózkodási idő: 1 hónap

The stay at the apartment was great the view was amazing and the owner was very friendly and helpful with any little problems that we encountered

We rented a car for the whole time at our stay . The people in the neighborhood are very friendly and helpful

Ajánlott helyek a közelben
There are so many places the easiest way to find them is to talk to the locals they are willing to help and give you great advice

tenant photo

Anthony S.

A környék biztonsága
Szolgáltatások a közelben

Ocean view apartment in Funchal

Értékelve ezen a napon: 28.01.2024 Tartózkodási idő: 4 hónap

A cozy apartment with a beatiful view of the ocean and Funchal. The communication with the owner was fluent and the replies were fast.

Regarding the shops and restaurants, there is only a small pub down the hill. If you want to go grocery shopping, you need to go to the city center. The lines of buses that come near are 33,37,38.

Ajánlott helyek a közelben
The pub down the hill has good beer,but the owner keeps changing the prices depending on his mood.

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Lukáš V.

A környék biztonsága
Szolgáltatások a közelben

Ocean view apartment in Funchal

Értékelve ezen a napon: 05.09.2023 Tartózkodási idő: 2 hónap

Great place to stay if you want to be near the city of Funchal. Bus routes are close by. Great view!

The neighbourhood is residential, not many shops nearby. Very safe, lots of dogs.

Ajánlott helyek a közelben

tenant photo

Evan B.

A környék biztonsága
Szolgáltatások a közelben


Neil is super friendly and very communicative. His directions on how to get to the flat were detailed and much appreciated. Tips on where to shop for groceries or which restaurant has the best local food were also super useful. 5/5
Hello, we are Neil and Andrea. We would like to welcome you to our Madeira home. We will always be happy to help you with any issues or to give tips and recommendations. If you have any questions, please contact us! You can message us in English, Spanish, French, and Czech.

Utoljára online
26 nap
Bejegyzés a Flatio oldalon
Június 2023

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