A tulajdonos kártyája Maria - Flatio
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Maria I.
Medailon megjelenítés


Apartment 300 meters from the beach

Értékelve ezen a napon: 12.07.2024 Tartózkodási idő: 1 hónap

Apartment was clean and we were given a warm and friendly welcome by the owner. However, they didn't present any paperwork to us on arrival for us to check off per Flatio's recommendation.

We soon found the fibre internet connection was not as described and confirmed with the owner before we moved in, as 30MB/s i.e. 300Mbits speed. It was only 28Mbits down 16Mbits up, useless for our work involving AI and local LLM downloads. We couldn't even play two YT Premium videos simultaneously!

Unexpectedly, the owner was traveling abroad so we contacted MEO internet service provider who told us it was an old legacy service which could easily be upgraded for a few Euros pm with a phone call from owner only.

We messaged the Owner who replied she had had no complaints before and refused to upgrade even though it was only a few Euros to do so. We wasted 2 weeks work time finding an unlimited 5G SIM that worked. FYI there's only one, from NOS, which works at full speed truly unlimited.

Also, loud motorised lifting machinery arrived outside the apartment after a few days in the first week causing a lot of disruptive noise and vibration in the apartment. We reported this and sent a video of the equipment to the owner. She replied the work had not finished in May and it had to be completed sorry. This work continued for most of our stay. Loud workmen held a conference at 8am outside our bedroom most mornings.

Offering this apartment without warning of impending disruptive building work was very inconsiderate of potential tenants. We would not have rented this apartment had we known of either of the above.

Building site 2 blocks away distance made it not very noisy from that site. Otherwise, generally quiet neighborhood. Spar 10 minute walk and Continente in Tavira Plaza 10 minute taxi ride for 10 Euros.

Ajánlott helyek a közelben
Tavira Plaza for shopping. American Barber & Salon at R. Cmte. Henrique de Brito 17 8800-591 Tavira - again 10 minute walk away. Very friendly and experienced hairdresser. We both enjoyed our time with him.

tenant photo

Sue F.

A környék biztonsága
Szolgáltatások a közelben
Tömegközlekedés nem értékelt

Apartment 300 meters from the beach

Értékelve ezen a napon: 30.06.2024 Tartózkodási idő: 1 hónap

Nice apartment in silent place, more suit for adult people without kids

unexpected that mentioned 300m from the beach will be through river…

tenant photo

Yulia Y.

A környék biztonsága nem értékelt
Szolgáltatások a közelben

O meu nome é Maria Inês, sou uma jovem com 22 anos e, este ano decidi ajudar os meus pais a arrendar a sua casa. Nunca quis ir estudar para fora porque amo viver no Algarve e quero muito que vocês o amem tanto como eu

Utoljára online
6 hónap
Bejegyzés a Flatio oldalon
Szeptember 2023

Maria az egy hitelesített tulajdonos
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A piactér havi tartózkodással történő működtetéséhez sütiket használunk, beleértve harmadik féltől származó sütiket is. A Flatio tényleges működéséhez szükséges működési sütik mellett preferenciális, elemző és marketing sütiket is használunk. A Sütik testreszabása gombra kattintva dönthet az egyes kategóriákról, vagy elutasíthatja az összes, az alap sütiken kívüli sütit. Ezen kívül részletes információkat olvashat a látogatóink és ügyfeleink adatvédelmével foglalkozó külön oldalon.

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