A tulajdonos kártyája Stoyanka - Flatio
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Stoyanka N.
Tapasztalt bérbeadó
Tapasztalt bérbeadó
Medailon megjelenítés


Cozy studio with free pool and Gym in Bansko

Értékelve ezen a napon: 20.09.2024 Tartózkodási idő: 27 nap

I enjoyed living in this beautiful and well-equiped apartment for a month in August. Having breakfasts on the balcony became my small tradition:)
It was super convenient to work from home, as the internet was stable and the acomodation has everything you may need. It is not spacious, but enough for a solo traveler or a couple.
I had access to common spaces in the whole complex, so I enjoyed swimming in a pool and having sauna!
I find it very kind of hosts to leave instructions and recommendations on places of interest, there are also some games and books!
It is good value for money.
Long story short-Absolute perfection.
Thank you!

Bansko is a true gem, it is surrounded with mountains, has 2 rivers and 2 dams! I find the nature very rich and picturesque.

Ajánlott helyek a közelben
Hiking to Belizmata and Krinets Dams and waterfalls, Bar Damyanitsa, ZZ land play cafe, Velian house museum and much more

tenant photo

Irene M.

A környék biztonsága
Szolgáltatások a közelben

Cozy studio with free pool and Gym in Bansko

Értékelve ezen a napon: 02.07.2024 Tartózkodási idő: 8 nap

My stay was absolutely perfect. The apartment was well-equipped, the property has great amanities and the host was caring.

Walkable to center and gondola (20min).

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Michael Z.

A környék biztonsága
Szolgáltatások a közelben

Hello, We are Carlos and Tanya Nobrega. We live and work in London, but we are sitizens of the world because our homes are the beautiful island of Madeira and Bulgaria. We love traveling and usually we search a peaceful places where we can connect with the nature and rest from the busyness of the life in London. Our studio provides exactly this peace combined with a stunning views.

Utoljára online
9 nap
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Április 2024

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