A tulajdonos kártyája Kathrin - Flatio
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Kathrin S.
Kaštel Novi
Medailon megjelenítés


Born and raised in Switzerland to a Croatian mother and Swiss father, studied Economics, worked at a Swiss bank and helped my parents in our butcher store. Had a great childhood, living in a small beautiful Swiss village, trained athletics and spent every summer vacation with my family at my grand-parents house in Kastela between Trogir and Split. Also worked in Barcelona for one year as a tour guide and for the summer Olympics in '92. Went to San Diego, CA in '93, got my MBA, worked for Qualcomm and met my husband Vinko at the Croatian Croatian club, who happens to be born and raised only a few miles away from where my mother was born and raised and who was working as a Naval architect on a contract at Nassco shipyard in San Diego. We got married in Kastela, our daughter Olivia was born in San Diego, andcwe decided to permanently move to Vinko's home country Croatia, a place I only knew from summer vacation. Well the rest is history... We opened our Naval Design company, purchased a piece of neglected agricultural land with a gorgeous view of Split, the bay and our surrounding mountains, planted and olive and almond grove and vineyard. We work in our company and our spare time is spent on our land. We have computers, copy machine, printers available in our office and can also be put in the penthouse to be used. We look forward to welcoming you to Crostia. You will love the 3-minute walk to the beach and grocery store, Split is a 20-minute bus ride and Trogir a 10-minute bus drive away. The oldes Olivectree is only a stone throw from the penthouse and so are many coffee shops redtaurants and bars.
Hobbik és szabadidős tevékenységek
I love working in my garden, our olive and almond orchard and vineyard, where my family produces organic extra virgin olive oil and award winning wine. I also enjoy playing my accordion wearing the Dalmatian traditional dress to my friends and family.

Utoljára online
9 hónap
Bejegyzés a Flatio oldalon
Május 2024

Kathrin az egy hitelesített tulajdonos
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