A tulajdonos kártyája Maja - Flatio
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Még nem áll rendelkezésre semmi értékelés
Maja B.
A környék hőse
Tapasztalt bérbeadó
A környék hőse
Tapasztalt bérbeadó
Medailon megjelenítés


Cozy Small Apartment in Zadar (Diklo)

Értékelve ezen a napon: 02.11.2024 Tartózkodási idő: 1 hónap

This flat was peaceful, private and quiet. Be careful of coming out onto the main road. There is a blind curve. The place is very clean.

Some improvements which could be made for next preparations: Sewage leak odor from the toilet, a clogged shower drain.

The landlord is friendly and acknowledged my concerns. Overall a great place that shows common sense and thoughfulness.

A small rock beach with a nice view is just across the road.

Ajánlott helyek a közelben
Tommy, Cafe Guam.

tenant photo

Hannah L.

A környék biztonsága
Szolgáltatások a közelben

I've been renting for 9 years now. So far we had good experience with our tenants. We try to help our tenants and to ensure that they enjoy living in our apartment. We fully respect their privacy! Our apartment is completely separated from our entrance so we are near in case they need something but at the same time it is like living in their own small apartment.
Hobbik és szabadidős tevékenységek
We are young family with one small boy (or not so small, 8 years, :)) who likes to travel and meet new people and cultures. We'd like to welcome people from all over the world and show them our nice lifestyle in this Mediterranean climate. Take it easy, dolce far niente or as we say in Croatian: ''pomalo''. We'd like to share our own experience and introduce our tenants with our culture, rich history and amazing food. It is our passion and not simply a job! We can't wait to make new contacts and friendships!

Utoljára online
7 nap
Bejegyzés a Flatio oldalon
Július 2024

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