A tulajdonos kártyája Maura e Miriam - Flatio
Bérlőként Bejelentkezés mint F4B
Landlords profile photo
Maura e Miriam G.
Tapasztalt bérbeadó
Tapasztalt bérbeadó
Medailon megjelenítés


Recently renovated apartment 1km from the center

Értékelve ezen a napon: 20.03.2024 Tartózkodási idő: 3 hónap

It feels like home! We stayed 3 months and totally loved it.
Maura and her family are so generous and loving, we felt like being part of the family.
The apartment is super spacious and bright - it is very well equipped and the location is very quiet (just some dogs barking now and then). The street is very steep and to walk to the center, especially the way back up, requires good fitness. Little issues we had during our stay, where solved immediatley by the landlord.
We already planned to come back, because we totally fell in love with Madeira.
Thanks for having us!

It's right under the cablecar. Since the street is very steep and narrow, there's almost no traffic, which is great. All neighbors are super friendly and kind.

Ajánlott helyek a közelben
Monte Palace Garden

tenant photo

Theresa M.

A környék biztonsága
Szolgáltatások a közelben

Recently renovated apartment 1km from the center

Értékelve ezen a napon: 28.12.2023 Tartózkodási idő: 2 hónap

It was the loveliest stay we have ever had in Madeira. This was not only thanks to the marvellous property with great views to the ocean and a perfect layout, but also to the ever helpful and very approachable owners. They say that people in Madeira are the friendliest in the world and our experience fully supported that. We appreciated every support that we got during our stay, they surely are bending over backwards for the guests.

The neighbourhood is with locals and it is quiet. It is about 15 mins walking distance from the city center and restaurants, bars, shops. The property sits on a steep hill, so if you have walking/climbing restrictions, you might wanna look for something else. But this is realy a nuance, the property is otherwise located in a beautiful setting.

tenant photo

Akos C.

A környék biztonsága
Szolgáltatások a közelben

O Basalto - Cozy T1 flat near the city Hatástalanítva

Értékelve ezen a napon: 17.09.2022 Tartózkodási idő: 2 hónap

Nice hosts. Very hospitable and kind. Full-furnished flat with all facilities.

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Aleksandr K.

A környék biztonsága
Szolgáltatások a közelben

Olá! Our small family would like to welcome you to our beautiful island - we are opening our doors so that you can have a pleasant stay and enjoy all that Madeira has to offer. Please, do not hesitate to reach out to us for anything you need. See ya!

Utoljára online
9 nap
Bejegyzés a Flatio oldalon
Február 2022

Maura e Miriam az egy hitelesített tulajdonos
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