Az Ön tartózkodását ebben az ingatlanban a StayProtection csomagunk fedezi, amely tartalmazza a Stay Benefits csomagot! Bővebben
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Minden alkalommal, amikor a Flatio-n keresztül bérel, automatikusan fedezi Önt a StayProtection csomagunk.
Ha lefoglalja ezt az ingatlant, akkor a Stay Benefits - az AXA által támogatott egyedülálló ajánlat - kiterjesztett védelmet is élvezhet! Az alábbiakat tartalmazza ez a csomag:
A foglalási kérelem elküdése után a tulajdonos kap egy üzenetet, hogy ön érdklődik a szállásért. Ettől a pillanattól van 24 órája arra, hogy az ön kérelmét jóváhagya vagy elutasítsa.
A lakástulajdonosokot leginkább az érdekli, hogy mi van az érdeklődő adatlapján. Azért nefelejtse el leírni minden fontos infromációt, hozzá adni képet, vagy még videót is csinálni. Ez vonzóvá teszi önt a tulajdonosnál és nagyobb az esély hogy jóváhagya a foglalást.
Megtekintheti a bérleti szerződést előre és online minden egyes ajánlatnál. Az aláírás után megtalálja az alkalmazásban Bérleményeim.
Amikor Flatio-n keresztül bérletet foglal, nem kell aggódnia, hogy a szerződés hátrányos lenne az ön számára. A szerződések úgy vannak leírva, hogy ne kelljen aggódnia és nyugodságban lakhasson. Ezek egységes szerződések, amelyeket minden bérbeadó a Flatio-nál használ.
Az Ön ideje értékes. Ezért tettük lehetővé a virtuális túrákat az oldalunkon, hogy a Flatio-n hirdetett lakásokat a saját otthona kényelméből meg tudja nézni.
Ha nem elérhető virtuális túra a kiválasztott szálláshoz, akkor kapcsolatba léphet a Bérbeadóval és megkérdezheti, hogy személyesen megnézheti e a kiadó lakást.
Abban az esetben, ha beköltözik, és a bérelt szállás nem egyezik a Flatio-n található információkkal, jelezze mihamarabb!
Ha az elállás feltételei teljesülnek, és a bérbeadó nem tudja azonnal orvosolni a problémát, lehetősége van a bérleti szerződéstől elállni a teljes visszatérítéssel. Aktívan segítünk az alternatív szállás megtalálásában, és Ön mellett maradunk, amíg minden teljesen meg nem oldódik.
A beköltözési garanciánkkal kapcsolatos feltételeket és minden részletet ebben a cikkben olvashat el a Súgóban.
A foglalás felmondásának a lehetősége attól függ, hogy milyen fázisban van a foglalás.
A foglalás még várja a tulajdonos jóváhagyását? Ilyenkor egyszerűen törölheti a foglalást a Bérleményeim web applikációban!
Ha, a tulajdonos már jóváhagyta a foglalást, de Önnek már nem aktuális a foglalás, akkor csak a Flatio ügyfélszolgálat törölheti 24 órán belül a jóváhagyástól. Ezután, a foglalás törölhető a tulajdonos által is.
Jóváhagyott foglalása és érvényes szerződése is van? Azért, hogy INGYENESEN törölhesse a foglalást, lépjen kapcsolatba a Flatio ügyfélszolgálattal jóval a szerződés kezdete előtt (a konkrét időtartam függ a felmondási szabályok típusától).
Ne aggódjon, ha ez a lakás nem otthonos. Különböző igényeknek megfelelő apartmanokat kínálunk. Lakhatási platformunk további 49 bérelhető apartmant kínál Alicante településen, amelyek a legmegfelelőbbek lehetnek az Ön igényeinek – mi a legjobb olcsó szállást kínáljuk Önnek Alicante településen.
Minden apartman kaució nélkül érkezik, ahol lehetséges, és a rezsi már benne van a bérleti díjban, így nem kell aggódnia a rejtett díjak miatt, és élvezheti a tartózkodást Alicante.
Sőt, bármilyen probléma esetén barátságos ügyfélszolgálatunk van, amely segít minden problémájának megoldásában. Tehát tekintse meg a többi apartmant Alicante területén, és élvezze tartózkodását a lehető legteljesebb mértékben.
Mit fogsz kapni?
Tippek digitális nomádként való utazáshoz
Minden Flatio előny ingyen
Speciális ajánlatok speciális árakon - csak regisztrált személyeknek!
* The first day (handover of the apartment) He didn´t know what Flatio Platform advise to do like fill and sign the Handover Certificate, and was very upset to do it.
* He didn´t know where his apartment's water and electricity meters were and how to download the Handover Certificate.
* He was aware that due to his lack of knowledge the completion of the Handover Certificate was delayed. He also did know that I've had payed the first rent thru Flatio's Platform 45 days before that day. Even so, he pressure me to notify Flatio to immediately transfer the money for the first rent to his bank account.
* He told us: "You are already living in my apartment and you haven't transfer any money to my bank account."
* He also said "I can't wait for these 3 months to pass, to see you out of my apartment."
* Near the end of the contract, I requested him to takeover the apartment 3 days before the last day of the contract. He asked for an appointment to check the apartment before the actual date of the handover, but he didn't show up.
* When he showed up for the handover appointment, from the moment he walked in, he expressed himself about me in a very derogatory way. He said the word "shit" at least 3 times. * Knowing that I had to take a train in an hour, he asked me to pay him in that moment 200 € in cash (170 € for a new head board of the bed + 30 € for the cleaning). he told me he won't let me go until I pay that to him.
* The head board of the bed had only loose one screw and the lining on the back tore
about 1 cm.
* He also blamed me about a floor trim that detached and that rose about 1 cm high.
* He complain about the cleaning and about some things that were out of place:
* He left the apartment very upset. Then, I don't know why, he came back.
* I lost the train but stay and fix the two minor damages (Headboard of the bed and floor trim), put all things in its place, swept and mop the floor, etc. until the apartment WAS AS CLEAN AS HE HANDOVER TO ME.
* In the afternoon, that same day, I texted Luis Sancho thru flatio and to his cell phone and also called him asking for an appointment for him to takeover the apartment. He didn't answer me or showed up for the appointment. After the appointment time, he sent a message to Flatio but didn't told me anything related to re-schedule the appointment.
* That same day I tried to re-schedule the appointment but he repeated the same behavior; He didn't went to the appointment, waited after the time of the appointment to sent me wrote a message that said nothing of an appointment to takeover the apartment.
* That last message he sent to me, thru Flatio, was a long list of complains describing how I gave the apartment to him. The reality is that I didn't gave the apartment that day and when I have the apartment, like he wanted it to be, he decided not to showed up to take it over from me.
* He also create an amendment at Flatio platform charging me 100 € (50 € for the cleaning and 50 € for two days for an extra bed and lining). I left the apartment as clean as I receive it and there was no extra person on those dates. That amendment doesn´t apply. He didn't knew that an amendment is an agreement between the parts and that lessor can't create it unilaterally.
* In that message he mentioned that I deteriorate his apartment.
* My opinion is that the apartment had old furniture and equipment that is made from plastic and that had being under water (toilet part) and under the sun and rain (chairs, table, etc on the terrace) and they had become brittle and crumbling. So, with the normal and adequate use, from one moment to the other, they break or stop working fine.
* That happen to me with the toilet part, it stopped sealing the passage of water from the tank to he bowl (the plumber explain that to me and I read it on the reviews of that part of the toilet).
* Surely it would happen to the next guest with another furniture or part.
* He also mentioned that a disproportionate use of the electricity but I never get over the limit stablished by Flatio. He suggested I have to use the same as a neighbour, probably, that neighbour eats and stays outside he's home most of the day.
* He wrote "Confirm me the amendment, and we end with this nightmare."
* In fact it's a nightmare to deal with a man that acted that great scene to take advantage of the fact that I was alone and that I didn't want to loose the train. All to take more money from me. Even when I left the apartment like he wanted he insisted to charge me for something I'd already done (cleaning) and services I didn't used (2 days of extra bed).-
____________________________________________________________________If you´re interested I wrote more details of the issues Luis Sancho claimed from me.
LIST OF ISSUES That Luis Sacho CLAIMED FROM ME and I ACOMPLISHED before I GIVE BACK the apartment to him.
I Gave the apartment AS CLEAN AS I RECEIVE IT.
* The head board of the bed had only loose one screw and the lining at the back tore about 1 cm. THAT SAME DAY I FIXED IT.
* The floor trim that detached and that rose about 1 cm. THAT SAME DAY I FIXED IT.
-Since I received the apartment that floor trim had glue stains all along it's edge. That proves that it had being glued before and, while I was living there, it detached.
-Since I received the apartment the floor of the apartment was, in general, already ruined. It was stained, scratched, scraped off, etc.
- Also, under the dining room table, there's floor of two different types and colors.
* The cleaning
- That day I didn't mop the floor. I DID IT while he was there complaining. Then I HAD SWEPT AND MOPPED 2 MORE TIMES.
- I forgot to throw away 2 boxes an 3 bottles from the refrigerator. I DID IT while he was there complaining
* I LEFT the apartment as CLEAN AS I RECEIVE IT.
* It can be said that I left it cleaner because while I lived there I clean all the dirt that was accumulated for years in the kitchen (the grease on the top of the refrigerator and cabinet and inside the oven) and mold in the shower. Fixed the shower door that had loosed screws.
* The things that were out of place:
- I put the table on the living room as a coffee table and not as an end table. THAT SAME DAY I PUT that table as a END TABLE .
- Washed linens and hang them on the gazebo (made of strong metal) to dry in the sun. THAT SAME DAY I waited until the BED LINENS were dry, FOLDED and put them in the CLOSET.
- Dishes on the dish drainer. THAT SAME DAY I DRIED AND PUT them ON THE GABINETS.
- Plastic bag with cleaning stuff for him to check if he wants them. THAT SAME DAY I THROW IT AWAY.
- Carton box, for him to check, with stuff that were in the apartment when I received it (almost expired food and shabby pans). THAT SAME DAY I RETURNED THEM TO THE KITCHEN CABINETS.
* I LEFT the apartment as ORGANIZED AS I RECEIVE IT.
LIST OF ISSUES That Luis Sancho CLAIMED FROM ME and I DIDN'T ACOMPLISHED before I GIVE BACK the apartment to him.
* I left the microwave oven out of it's place. I needed more space for cooking and somebody help me move it. It was to heavy for me to put it back on it's place. I was afraid to dropped it.
* I left the textile part of the gazebo on it, not in the bedroom closet, I needed the space. I installed them properly once but the wind was so strong that the gazebo nearly take off, was very dangerous. Luis Sancho should have warned me of the danger, the metal structure is not fixed to the floor.
* A crack of about 2 cm. long in the outdoor chair. I only used those chairs for it's purpose, to sit down. Those outdoor chairs are made from plastic, had being under the sun and the rain for at least 7 years (There's 2016 pictures of the apartment on the internet). Now they don't even have their cushions (they are very uncomfortable). Beside that, the wind is so strong that it moves the chairs all around and they collide between them and hit the walls.
* Toilet part the plumber told me it was not my fault.
People are very kind and friendly. I felt secure walking even at night. Everything you need is at walking distance. And if you need to go somewhere farthest on the city the public transport is at a walking distance too.
Santa Bàrbara's Cattle and the beaches are beautiful places.