A tulajdonos kártyája Marinko - Flatio
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Még nem áll rendelkezésre semmi értékelés
Marinko P.
Medailon megjelenítés
Hitelesítetlen ajánlatok 2
StayProtection + Stay Benefits
Új hirdetés
30. 6. - 13. 7. (14 nap)
15 837 Ft / éjszaka
Minden közüzemi szolgáltatás benne van
StayProtection + Stay Benefits
Új hirdetés
30. 6. - 13. 7. (14 nap)
27 662 Ft / éjszaka
Minden közüzemi szolgáltatás benne van
For the first time, I am renting out my apartment in this unique way. My children are avid world travelers and often share fascinating stories about their experiences with different people and cultures. Inspired by their tales, I am excited to welcome digital nomads as tenants and hosts. I am eager to provide the best possible hospitality, ensuring that my guests are delighted with their accommodations and the local area. My goal is for them to leave as satisfied guests and return as loyal patrons, promoters, and ambassadors. I look forward to the new experiences this will bring, as well as the new stories and anecdotes I will be able to share with my children.

Utoljára online
20 óra
Bejegyzés a Flatio oldalon
Május 2024

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