A tulajdonos kártyája Maria Cristina - Flatio
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Maria Cristina C.
Medailon megjelenítés


This home is an heritage from my grand father, in a historic building that he had built for the family. I now love to share this with guests because life brought me elsewhere, so I will welcome you and I will be helpful if needed, but I will not be around. I can suggest you experiences and places to visit, sports to practice, restaurants and places for the movida, all within walking distance.
Hobbik és szabadidős tevékenységek
I am architect and I have been working for some years for the restoration of the historical center of Taranto, so I can give you some suggestions to visit some hidden artistic jewels in the ancient town and beyond. I am a sailor as well, and I can suggest you the places where you can practice sailing and all water sports. I can arrange a sailboat escape of one or more days with or without skipper.

Utoljára online
17 óra
Bejegyzés a Flatio oldalon
December 2022

Maria Cristina az egy hitelesített tulajdonos
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