A tulajdonos kártyája Shenaaz - Flatio
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Shenaaz P.
Medailon megjelenítés


Shenaaz Parker is my name, and I adore meeting new people and learning about their travel experiences. I'm passionate about what I do, which is giving individuals a sense of community. The most important thing is for them to feel at home, so I always go above and beyond to make sure that my tenants are comfortable. Come as a guest, leave as a family member.
Hobbik és szabadidős tevékenységek
My hobbies and interest are food, nature, arts & cultures. Cape Town is diversified and allows me to explore all my interest.

Utoljára online
2 hónap
Bejegyzés a Flatio oldalon
Szeptember 2023

Shenaaz az egy hitelesített tulajdonos
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