A tulajdonos kártyája Roy - Flatio
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Landlords profile photo
Még nem áll rendelkezésre semmi értékelés
Roy B.
A környék hőse
A környék hőse
Medailon megjelenítés
Hitelesítetlen ajánlatok 1
Spacious Central 3 Bedroom with Balcony
Spacious Central 3 Bedroom with Balcony
Spacious Central 3 Bedroom with Balcony
Spacious Central 3 Bedroom with Balcony
Spacious Central 3 Bedroom with Balcony
Spacious Central 3 Bedroom with Balcony
Spacious Central 3 Bedroom with Balcony
Spacious Central 3 Bedroom with Balcony
Spacious Central 3 Bedroom with Balcony
Spacious Central 3 Bedroom with Balcony
Spacious Central 3 Bedroom with Balcony
Spacious Central 3 Bedroom with Balcony
Spacious Central 3 Bedroom with Balcony
Spacious Central 3 Bedroom with Balcony
Spacious Central 3 Bedroom with Balcony
Spacious Central 3 Bedroom with Balcony
Spacious Central 3 Bedroom with Balcony
Spacious Central 3 Bedroom with Balcony
Spacious Central 3 Bedroom with Balcony
Spacious Central 3 Bedroom with Balcony
StayProtection + Stay Benefits
6. 1. - 4. 2. (30 nap)
40 567 Ft / éjszaka
Minden közüzemi szolgáltatás benne van
Hello, I'm Roy. I've refurbished my apartment with top line brand new equipment with the intention of living in it. But I had to move out of Lisbon for work which is why I'm listing it, and am looking for highly responsible, ideally a family to rent it for 6 months or a year.
Hobbik és szabadidős tevékenységek
Chess, Bass guitar, Tennis, Skiiing, Standup comedy, lots of Travel

Utoljára online
4 hónap
Bejegyzés a Flatio oldalon
Január 2024

Roy az egy hitelesített tulajdonos
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