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Landlords profile photo
Lucas S.
Medailon megjelenítés
Hitelesítetlen ajánlatok 1
StayProtection Bérlő által-Igazolt
21. 11. - 25. 11. (5 nap)
12 291 Ft / éjszaka
Minden közüzemi szolgáltatás benne van
Greetings! I'm Lucas, a native of Athens with a passion for sharing its beauty as a tour guide. I thrive on social interactions while also deeply valuing privacy. For the past three years, I've been renting out a room in my apartment, and it's available once more. As a landlord, cleanliness and mutual respect are of utmost importance to me.

Utoljára online
22 nap
Bejegyzés a Flatio oldalon
Március 2024

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