Hey! I'm Katy. I’m 39, originally from the Isle of Lewis (Google it! It’s beautiful!) but have settled in Edinburgh for the last 8 years. After working towards a PhD in Chemistry I moved into designing and managing interactive educational museums and from there found myself in EdTech.
I’m currently a Program Director working in tech-enabled experience design. That sounds very dry - the reality is I manage incredibly talented people (immersive tech developers, UX/UI designers, 3D artists) in developing cutting edge tech that redefines the way we experience life. Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Simulations, Game Design - I've led some fun projects!
I've worked remotely for 5 years so have experience of working from home - and elsewhere! - and understand how important it is to be able to feel at home (and well set up for remote work) in a mid-term rental. I've worked from this home for 2 years, and at times have spent 1 month+ working in/from places like Denmark, Indonesia, Australia, UAE, rural Scotland and can't wait to explore more - slowly. We've also set up our flat to enable the two of us working well around each other from here so rest assured - the WFH set up (and WiFi) is highly optimised!
I share my home with my partner Aaron - we've been together for 6.5 years! He's 35 and has lived in Edinburgh for six years. He also works remotely - currently for a medical AI startup and also consults on various healthcare tech projects in his ‘spare’ time! He travels a lot for work now, and I go with him when the destination is new/fun! A former NHS hospital medic, for a long time Aaron couldn't prioritise travel (his vacation dates were decided by his rota!) so now I've infected him with the travel bug! We recently both travelled to the south of France for a couple of weeks for vacation and work - and having used AirBnB - we hoped to try Flatio ourselves as it seems better suited to our needs!
We love Edinburgh and Scotland more widely and love to help people fall in love with it too! If there's anything that you require don't hesitate to ask.
Tulajdonos érdekei
Katy: I consider myself very creative - I love to make photographs, dabble in art, travel to new (and favourite) places, try new coffee shops, bakeries and restaurants and love to hunt for books, antiques and vintage fashion.
Aaron: In my actual spare time, I like to run, cook, travel, go to music gigs and am also an avid reader of non-fiction. I'm respectful of privacy, friendly, a conversationalist and happy to help out where I can for those who've never been to Edinburgh.
We love to travel together, go to music gigs, watch cinematic and thought-provoking films and shows - and eat all the delicious things together! You'll see many 'clues' to our personalities around the flat, betrayed by our choice of wall art, books and music.
We're also review nerds - if we enjoy a place, we make sure to review it (on Google Maps etc) to try and support independent eateries and businesses that we love. We're also writing our own Guide to Edinburgh - to share with you our morning/afternoon coffee walk circuits, nearest access to nature and favourite lunch/dinner spots. And some ideas for weekend activities to make the most of your time here outside of work!
Bérlő által igazolt
Ezt a logót azoknál a hirdetéseknél jelenítjük meg, ahol a korábbi bérlő(k) problémamentes beköltözést és kiköltözést tapasztaltak, bizonyítva pozitív értékelés vagy nincs rossz értékelés tőlük, jelezve, hogy a bérelt lakás átadása problémamentes volt a tulajdonostól
Flatio által igazolt
A logót azoknál a hirdetéseknél tűntetjük fel, ahol a Flatio munkatársa fizikailag jelen volt, akár fotók miatt, virtuális túra készítés miatt vagy egyéb okokból tartózkodott a kiadó lakásban-akár egyedül, akár családdal vagy ismerősökkel.
StayProtection vs. Stay Benefits
A StayProtection Bérlőknek egy Flatio fedezet, amely mindenkor vonatkozik Önre. Úgy terveztük, hogy megvédje Önt, a pénzét és a nyugalmát. Exkluzív Beköltözési Garanciát is tartalmaz, amely biztosítja, hogy akkor is legyen hol laknia, ha a dolgok nem a tervek szerint alakulnak.
+ Stay BenefitsStayProtection+ Stay Benefits
A Stay Benefits ez a StayProtection csomag egy speciális része, amely nem minden Flatio ingatlannál érhető el. Tartalmazza a felelősségbiztosítást, az asszisztenscia szolgáltatásokat és a 24/7 online támogatást minden olyan helyzetre, amelyret ez a csomag lkitefrjed.
Az átfogó StayProtection és Stay Benefits csomagjainkról többet megtudhat ezen az oldalon.
Nomád Tesztelő által igazolt
Ezt a jelvényt azok az ingatlanok kapják, amelyeket egy Nomád Tesztelő ellenőrzött, és a Wi-Fi sebesség, a munkaterület, a helyszín stb. szempontjából alkalmasnak talált a távmunkára. A Nomád Tesztelő olyan digitális nomád influenszer, aki tagja a Flatio Nomád Tesztelő Klubnak.
Tökéletes szakembereknek
Személyesen választott lakás amely megfelel az üzleti ügyfelek elvárásainak
Vezető versenytárs platformok
Összehasonlításunk során elsősorban olyan platformokat vettünk figyelembe, amelyek a Flatio-hoz hasonlóan fókuszálnak és szintén alkalmasak közép- vagy hosszútávú tartózkodásra. Különösen a Booking.com, a Spotahome, a Homelike és az Uniplaces adatait elemeztük.
Hey! I'm Katy. I’m 39, originally from the Isle of Lewis (Google it! It’s beautiful!) but have settled in Edinburgh for the last 8 years. After working towards…
Hey! I'm Katy. I’m 39, originally from the Isle of Lewis (Google it! It’s beautiful!) but have settled in Edinburgh for the last 8 years. After working towards a PhD in Chemistry I moved into designing and managing interactive educational museums and from there found myself in EdTech.
I’m currently a Program Director working in tech-enabled experience design. That sounds very dry - the reality is I manage incredibly talented people (immersive tech developers, UX/UI designers, 3D artists) in developing cutting edge tech that redefines the way we experience life. Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Simulations, Game Design - I've led some fun projects!
I've worked remotely for 5 years so have experience of working from home - and elsewhere! - and understand how important it is to be able to feel at home (and well set up for remote work) in a mid-term rental. I've worked from this home for 2 years, and at times have spent 1 month+ working in/from places like Denmark, Indonesia, Australia, UAE, rural Scotland and can't wait to explore more - slowly. We've also set up our flat to enable the two of us working well around each other from here so rest assured - the WFH set up (and WiFi) is highly optimised!
I share my home with my partner Aaron - we've been together for 6.5 years! He's 35 and has lived in Edinburgh for six years. He also works remotely - currently for a medical AI startup and also consults on various healthcare tech projects in his ‘spare’ time! He travels a lot for work now, and I go with him when the destination is new/fun! A former NHS hospital medic, for a long time Aaron couldn't prioritise travel (his vacation dates were decided by his rota!) so now I've infected him with the travel bug! We recently both travelled to the south of France for a couple of weeks for vacation and work - and having used AirBnB - we hoped to try Flatio ourselves as it seems better suited to our needs!
We love Edinburgh and Scotland more widely and love to help people fall in love with it too! If there's anything that you require don't hesitate to ask.
Hobbik és szabadidős tevékenységek
Katy: I consider myself very creative - I love to make photographs, dabble in art, travel to new (and favourite) places, try new coffee shops, bakeries and restaurants and love to hunt for books, antiques and vintage fashion.
Aaron: In my actual spare time, I like to run, cook, travel, go to music gigs and am also an avid reader of non-fiction. I'm respectful of privacy, friendly, a conversationalist and happy to help out where I can for those who've never been to Edinburgh.
We love to travel together, go to music gigs, watch cinematic and thought-provoking films and shows - and eat all the delicious things together! You'll see many 'clues' to our personalities around the flat, betrayed by our choice of wall art, books and music.
We're also review nerds - if we enjoy a place, we make sure to review it (on Google Maps etc) to try and support independent eateries and businesses that we love. We're also writing our own Guide to Edinburgh - to share with you our morning/afternoon coffee walk circuits, nearest access to nature and favourite lunch/dinner spots. And some ideas for weekend activities to make the most of your time here outside of work!
Magas szintű biztonság bérlőknek a StayProtection Bérlőknek segítségével.
Hírnevünk a sok elégedett bérlő tapasztalataiból táplálkozik.
Igazságos és végső árak
Nincs rejtett költség. Rezsi és WiFi benne foglaltatik.
Kaució nélküli lakások
6 hónapnál rövidebb szállásoknál.
Cookie-k testreszabása
Cokkie beállítások a Flatio-n
A piactér havi tartózkodással történő működtetéséhez sütiket használunk, beleértve harmadik féltől származó sütiket is. A Flatio tényleges működéséhez szükséges működési sütik mellett preferenciális, elemző és marketing sütiket is használunk. A Sütik testreszabása gombra kattintva dönthet az egyes kategóriákról, vagy elutasíthatja az összes, az alap sütiken kívüli sütit. Ezen kívül részletes információkat olvashat a látogatóink és ügyfeleink adatvédelmével foglalkozó külön oldalon.
Üdvözöljük azon úti célok listáján, ahol csodálatos szálláshelyek várják Önt.
Figyelem, bérbeadók! Lehetőségük van arra, hogy a világ bármely pontján kiadják ingatlanukat, országtól függetlenül! Ne aggódjon, ha az Ön városa nem jelenik meg itt - csak adja meg ingatlanát, és mi felvesszük úti célját a listára. Legyen Ön az első, aki meleg és barátságos szálláshelyet kínál az Ön városában!