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Landlords profile photo
Katalin F.
A környék hőse
A környék hőse
Medailon megjelenítés
Hitelesítetlen ajánlatok 1
StayProtection + Stay Benefits
2. 1. - 31. 1. (30 nap)
20 000 Ft / éjszaka
Minden közüzemi szolgáltatás benne van
I've been an Airbnb superhost for over 5 years and would now be happy to welcome guests for longer stays. I hope anyone who chooses our apartment will feel themselves at home and will love our place as much as we do :)
Hobbik és szabadidős tevékenységek
I love art, nature, and food. Our apartment used to be our atelier and my husband's art studio. We loved living there. We moved out of the city when our two dogs grown up too big for our flat and city life. We welcome anyone who appreciates art, music and a unique atmosphere and hope anyone who chooses to stay here will love our place as much as we do.

Utoljára online
2 hónap
Bejegyzés a Flatio oldalon
Szeptember 2020

Katalin az egy hitelesített tulajdonos
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